We bring solutions to make taxi booking easier

We are the travel agency that brings all taxi companies together in Sweden. Book all the taxis in Sweden in one place.

Grow Your Business with Our Solutions.

We help our clients to find the best taxi for their needs while travelling locally or globally. No more opening countless tabs to book just one trip, now, you can manage every aspect of your journey through one integrated platform

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Let’s Talk

Let's make something great together. We are trusted by over 100+ clients. Are you a taxi company/business? Let us combine hands and make a great community

Are you a taxi company providing your service in Sweden? Great! if you could provide service on regular basis, we could connect our corporate customers to you

Are you a business that wants to book a taxi for your Employees anywhere in Sweden? Book My Ride got you covered!

Join Us

Join Our Community

We are trusted by over 100+ businesses in Sweden. Join them now and be part of the integrated environment.


Completed Rides


Satisfied businesses


Employees of our clients

How We Do It?

We integrate the booking feature directly into your platform



We analyse the booking feature if you already have one, and if you don't have one, don't worry we provide you with a mobile app



Here we integrate the booking feature with Book My Ride web or mobile platform to check how it works with the existing flow.



Once we integrate the booking feature, we will test the booking feature on our platform for a couple of days.


Roll out

Roll out the newly added taxi company. Our customers could see your taxi company on web and mobile app